Sunday, September 30, 2007

Lights, Camera, Action...

Here are a couple clips of Sophia in action from recent weeks. She's smiling like nobody's business these days!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Congrats Christos & Pella!!!

Congratulations to Christos & Pella, our Koumbari and great friends, on the birth of their son, Michael! It looks as though big sister Panayiota is enjoying him as well! Here are a few photos of the adorable little one. We can't wait to meet him!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Family Photos

Here are some new family photos from this past weekend. Mom & Dad also went on their first date since I was born. They went to dinner at Brio and to see "Superbad". Apparently they had a good time without me. I find that very hard to believe. Thanks G & GG for taking care of me!

Any dibs on who wants to take care of me when mommy & daddy go out for their anniversary in a few weeks?

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Scrub a dub dub

Big girl baths are fun! I love getting my flowing locks washed : )

We went to a party store to pick out decorations for Grandma & Grandpa's ("G" & "GG") anniversary party and G thought it would be funny to put crazy hats on me. He's nuts!

Hungry Hungry Hippo

I wore my hippo hat to our block party last weekend and was told that it's rather odd that hippos would be chosen to adorn baby clothes since they are so viscious. Hmm...teddy bears? Anyone come across a cuddly, sweet, non-terrifying bear lately. Didn't think so.

Anyhow, I think I look pretty cute dressed in my hippo gear. I wear my hippo hat and socks all the time but today mom went in for the kill with the whole ensemble.

Cousin Sarah

Cousin Sarah from California came to visit with me and my mom & dad. We had so much fun together (mostly shoping of course). She's amazing with babies and I miss her already. Here's a picture of us together.

Me & Ailey

Me and my mom met up with Paula and baby Ailey last week. If you go back to last month's posts to look at our picture together you can see how much we've grown in the last month. Doesn't Ailey have the most beautifulest hair! I'm so jealous! Mom says she's going to have to tape a bow to my head so people stop asking what her son's name is. Oh, and by the way, if a baby is dressed in pink from head to toe chances are that it's a girl. Just a hint since the general public doesn't seem to comprehend this simple concept.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Eau de spoiled milk

So I think it's a plot against moms everywhere.

Why is it that the two places you apply perfume...of the normal your body are the two places that are always doused with milk? You test the stuff for temperature on your wrist (God knows that when a screaming baby is in your arms you aren't going to take the time to wash it off) and then the baby tests your patience and laundering skills on your neck while burping. By the end of the day you reek of sour milk. Ick

Just an observation. Perhaps a way to ward off the husband as to not produce any more offspring too soon?

Here's a great action shot. Gross I know but how can you not find this impressive. And yes I know that the fact that she's sitting on dad's lap negates my above observation but o'well. Dad does get a good dose of it too.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Small Head?

For some reason my head appears to be massive in pictures. I'm not sure why since my head is actually really small and just finally made it onto the charts (10th percentile). I thought I should post a picture that might show my head in a more realistic to my mom's big noggin.

8 Weeks

I'm 8 weeks old now! Can you believe it? I was 9lbs last week so I'm probably a few more ounces now. Next week I'll go to the pediatrician for my 2 month immunizations. Yuck!

Today my nanny who will be watching me when mom goes back to work (boo!!!) came to stay with me for a few hours. I behaved beautifully and didn't even spit up on her once. I figured I should break her in slowly.

My terrible baby acne finally cleared up so I wanted to post a picture of my beautifully restored baby soft skin. Check out my goofy smile. Mom has yet to get a clear picture of it since it's rather fleeting. I like to keep her on her toes.