Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Double Digits & A Giant Baby...10 months & 6!

Well, we're in the double digits with Eleni...and I'm sad. So sad that my baby is growing so fast. I feel like 1 is right around the corner haunting me and it stinks. I though it would be harder since she's my last baby but truthfully I've been pretty torn up about all of the girls birthdays. I love seeing them accomplish new things but I hate leaving behind the younger years just as much. Eleni is starting to try and craw. WHAT?!? A Karras girl that crawls? True, I tell you, true. She is now saying ma and da but I don't think it has much purpose. She has her own versions of clapping (hands clasped and moving up and down: think politician) and saying hi (both arms up at once: think touchdown!). She is taking super long naps and still sleeping like a champ at night. By far my best sleeper! She loves to eat just about anything and everything....even pickles and lemons! She is such a joy to be with!

I've been calling Sophia my giant baby. Eleni is the baby, Evi is the big baby and Soph is my Giant baby. 6 YEARS OLD!?!?!?! She is no longer a baby, toddler, preschooler or even kindergartener but a full fledged grade-schooler. She has opinions now on everything, especially clothing and looking "cool". We're still working like crazy on reading and she is getting better every day. I wouldn't say she likes it,  though I am hopeful that that will change over time. She loves to swim and play tennis and of course any and all craft/art projects. She is very helpful with her sisters and still the silly, adorable, sweet and carefree Sophia that we've always loved.

77th % for height!
33rd % for weight

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Little Dancers

This was the first year the girls were both old enough to participate in the annual Greek Festival. They practiced for months prior and were so incredibly excited to dance for everyone. I swear. No really, they were. Or so they said because come "game day" Sophia danced with the energy and excitement of a sunbathing seal and Evi flat out refused/cried/freaked out. It was magical :-) I'm certain next year will be a bit more of a success. Regardless, they looked doggone cute!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Fun at GG & G's

On our way home from Hilton Head we decided to visit Yia Yia and stay another week in Ohio. We went to the spray-ground, Parkey's Farm, Yia Yia's pool. Coney Island, visited with the cousins, Played in GG's backyard...SOOOOOO much fun!

And as you can see....we're worn out!!

Vacay 2013!!!

We had an amazing vacation in Hilton Head! GG & G came to vacation with us for the first week. We had so much fun showing them around all of our favorite places on the island. Unfortunately little Eleni was pretty sick on the way down and the first week with teething, roseola and the stomach flu but we didn't let that stop us from having a great time.

First leg of the trip was to Asheville, NC where we dined at the Mellow Mushroom...Yum! Believe it or not little Eleni was super sick but she still had lots of smiles for the camera!

We spent lots of days at the beach (where we had to keep Eleni from eating the sand)
and pool...

We went out on the town for lots of yummy food...

Went fishing, played miniature golf, watched fireworks,Rode ponies, celebrated Sophia's 6th birthday and listened to our favorite kids musician, Shannon Tanner. Whew! What fun! 


9 months!

Well, I'm REALLY late on this post considering we are celebrating Eleni's 10 month birthday today but we have a good excuse this month since we left for vacation that day. We did, however, manage to snag a few photos before we left. And here are our shorty's stats....

Weight: 17lbs, 9oz-30%
Heights: 26 1/2"- 14%
Head: 17 2/3" - 25%

As you can see, she's starting to really try to get on to all fours. She mainly just belly flops but she's not giving up! She still loves every food imaginable (with the exception of broccoli) and would much rather eat big people food then baby food. She is such a good sleeper and loves her naps in her bed. She's such a great little gal! xoxo