Saturday, March 23, 2013

My Baby Bean Turns 3

My baby bean is growing into a medium sized bean...more like a kidney then a lima bean these days. As sad as I was to send Sophia off to full day kindergarten I have truly loved having this time with Evi. I wanted to jot down a few things that I don't want to forget about this time

You call granola bars molo balls.
Vanilla is Manilla
Your pronunciation of some words sound like you are straight out of Boston...caahr, heahhrt, hahrvey
You call computers pididos. This one had us stumpped for ages!
You sister is starting to read and when we practice with her before bed and she's trying to sound out a word you yell out the word toothbrush...over and over again. You think it's hysterical. She, however, does not :-)
You still sleep with your puppy every night...sometimes all 5 of them.
When you are embarassed or caught doing something you shouldn't you close your eyes. As though we can't see you if you close your eyes. It's rather silly but oh so endearing.
You still NEVER stop moving. Even when you are asleep!
You fall off a chair almost every single day. You are so going to be THAT kid in school.
You love story time at the library and gymnastics "nastics".
You have to be narrated to all day long about the plan for the day, where we are going, what will come next, so on and so forth...over and over and no matter how long we've been out you almost aways say you don't want to go home. You're just a mover and a shaker!
You still love tutus and anything resembling dancewear
You love to be the first one up and with your clothes on. No lounging around, yet you often want to put your jammies on about halfway through the day.
You have cheeks that just beg to be kissed and a little body that begs to be tickled because your laugh is downright infectious.

Height: 38" 80%
Weight: 32lbs 60%

I feel as though there are SO many more things but I will have to keep adding to the list as they come to me. You are such my little buddy and I simply can't stand the idea of you going off to preschool in the fall even though you are so excited. At least I have another 6 months before that time comes! Whew! I love you my little, er, bigger bean...sniff, sniff.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Cincinnati with Friends!

We had the opportunity to head to Cincinnati for a visit with G & GG for Soph's winter break. We were so lucky to have our good friends Ashley, Harvey, Henry & Ruby come along with us! We had so much fun trying all the Cincy foods...Larosas, Skyline, Greaters plus the children's museum, aquarium and of course a little shopping :-)

5 months old

I'm starting to see a pattern here...a blog for each month instead of each week. Woe is me. There are simply not enough (quiet) hours in the day to sit down and do these :-( I hope I'll get better as the muchkins grow!

Dear Eleni,

You are 5 months now. I can't believe you are already 5 months and yet I can't imagine a time without you. You are such a wonderful little person. You are the very best medicine out there. Your smiles make me smile, your laughs make me laugh and overall you are just the sweetest slice of life pie there ever was.

This last month had some ups and downs with your first sickness, RSV, and some more frequent sleepless nights (you really like that pacifier and it simply does not stay in all night long without some help from your folks). You are really grabbing for things with the intention of putting them in your mouth. Sometimes with success, others with much frustration. You are delighted and entertained by your sisters and when daddy comes home and you see his face your instant, giant smile makes me giddy with love. Your cheeks are so smoochable, as are your toes, head, belly...well, I suppose all of you. I am so excited to see how you will grow in the weeks and months to come...I love you little peanut.