You're never going to believe this but on Wednesday I turned 15 months! Seriously, it's true. Today I had my well-baby check up with Dr. Peltz. She says I'm right on track and doing good. Yay! And for the first time ever, I didn't cry so hard that I puked! Definitely something to jot down in the record books. Here are my recent stats:
Weight: 21 lbs. 2 oz (25th percentile)
Height: 31" (50th percentile)
Head: 17.25" (10th percentile)
Since I turned one I've learned lots of stuff. I love to walk and even run sometimes. I think jumping is super fun too. My favorite words are "cack er"(craker), "ssshhhoo" (shoes) and Dad-in (daddy). Still holding out on the "ma ma". If you ask me to say ma ma I will look you right in the eye and say "Dad-in" with the biggest smile. Stinker. I say lots of other stuff but no one knows what it means but me. I'm super-duper silly and I absolutely LOVE to dance. My new favorite talent is feeding myself (or at least trying).