Thursday, April 29, 2010


Feeling uninspired in the title department today so we're going with "Life" : )
Evi had her 1 month appointment this week and is looking great! It was the first time she didn't have blood in her stool so we seem to have found a formula that works. We are hoping she will not need to be on it for too long but we'll have to play that by ear. She's on medication for reflux which is helping but she may be moved to a stronger one since it doesn't seem to be totally eliminating her discomfort. Otherwise, she's happy and healthy! She's so strong it's alarming. She held her head up for a full minute and then rolled over when the doctor was examining her. She is now smiling and cooing and occasionally letting out little shrieks of glee...which makes my heart almost explode.

1 month stats:
Weight: 9lbs, 5oz
Length: 21 1/8"
Head: 14 1/8"
A few new pictures...

Friday, April 23, 2010

1 Month Old!

I think I'll celebrate by sleeping, eating and pooping!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Two is the New One...

Notes/thoughts on parenting two and doing it all again...

(for my own self-serving purpose of looking back and seeing how far we've come : )

1) About 2 hours of every day I feel like I can handle being a parent of two. If I add a couple minutes to this daily I should have things under control by Evi's first birthday.

2.) Late at night when you are feeding the baby and trying not to fall asleep you're mind goes to strange places. Like, the branches on the tree outside the window look like a pineapple when the moonlight hits it just right. Or, holy shit, this new formula is going to cost us around $12,000 a year if she has to stay on it. WHY THE HELL DID I QUIT MY JOB???????

oh, wait, because it sucked and my girls are the bomb!

3.) Sleep deprived induced sleep talking is an under-appreciated form of entertainment.

Taki: "We were so worried about the bottles width that we didn't even consider their length" Me: "I'm going to repeat that to you when you are more awake and you're going to realize how stupid it sounds"

4.) I forgot how fun it is to try and go to the bathroom with a baby strapped to you because it's the only contraption out of the 20 or so that you own that calms them and you would rather chew off your own foot then chance taking them out and paying the consequences.

5.) It is inevitable that your oldest has a "spoon meltdown" requiring 20 minutes and emptying your entire utensil drawer to find the perfect spoon for her morning oatmeal at the same time your newborn needs to eat/have their diaper changed/receive medicine/scream for no apparent reason. Thus making you use expressions such as, "SERIOUSLY CHILD?!", "Really, REALLY? Are we REALLY doing this right now?" or my personal favorite: "Are you KIDDING me?"

...oh and did I mention I want the purple bowl instead of the pink one this morning mama?

6.) Fortunately you have learned from your first one's poop woes that when you call to report a poop/butt problem to the pediatrician you should use the word "rectum" rather then "anus", translating to a far less uncomfortable conversation with the nurse on duty. Whew!

7.) Trying to bounce a bouncy chair with my foot has made me realize how rhythmically challenged I am.

8.) Having a newborn changes your language. You will find yourself starting every sentence with the word, "maybe" because newborns are innately one big question mark. "Maybe it's gas". "Maybe she's hungry". "Maybe she's tired". "Maybe we have no idea what the hell we are doing and it's a fluke that Sophia turned out so well".

9.) If it takes a village to raise a child then it takes a country to raise two. Big thanks to all of our wonderful family and friends - especially GG and Yia Yia - for helping us out SO much! We love you!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Evi Update!

Time for an Evi Bean update!

Our little girl is doing well considering she's been quite uncomfortable : ( We're still trying to pinpoint what the problem is but we're moving in the right direction, or so we hope. She's experiencing 2-3 hour screaming spells a couple times a day where she is inconsolable and clearly in pain. She's had blood in her stool after two formula changes which indicates a milk/soy protein allergy. We're now on Elecare which is an amino acid elemental formula. We're also going to start treating her for reflux today. I'm sure anyone who knows Sophia, remembers that she had very severe reflux. Evi doesn't spit up very often at all but instead swallows it back down. Her breath smells terribly of stomach acid so we're pretty certain she is experiencing silent reflux. All in all, a pretty sad thing for us to see. It's tough to see your little one in pain and not be able to do anything to help them but we're confident we'll figure out some solutions soon!

Despite all of this, she is becoming more alert every day and is so very, very sweet. It's fair to say we're in complete love!

More Easter...WOOPS!

Forgot to post pics from the annual easter egg hunt...

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Festivities!

Written by: Sophia
The Easter bunny came a bit early this year and brought me a sister. Then he came back and brought me some candy. Verdict is still out on which I like better.

Written by: Evi
They say it's Easter. I say the back of my eyelids are just as entertaining.

Written by: Mommy
Wait, what day is it?
But in all seriousness(not something that comes easy to me), Easter was very good to us this year. We are very, VERY blessed in so many ways!