Tuesday, July 17, 2007

"I suck" - Just Kidding

Need sound on your computer to get the true effect of this video!


Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH!!!! A GIRL!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I can hardly stand it! I am so excited to meet beautiful Sophia! She is so adorable!

Brian and Becky said...

Congrats guys!!! She is beautiful!

Isaac loved his soothie pacifier too! it's hilarious to look at how large it looks now, compared to how it will look in 2 months!

I just noticed your blog link on Kev and Mon's page and had to stalk it for pictures! Hope you enjoy parenthood as much as we have - enjoy each day - they go by FAST.

P.S. I know a cute lil southern boy named Hayden perhaps I will introduce you to in about 18 years...

Nagel family blog said...

This video is so precious, it choked me up. So funny how big that passy is compared to her little face!

Anonymous said...

What a little babydoll - she is absolutely precious. How will you ever be able to say "no" to this little angel. Congratulations!