Monday, September 15, 2008

Traverse City

This past weekend mom and dad took me to Traverse City, MI to visit my God Sister Ailey and her mom & dad, Paula & Blake. It was very rainy but we still had a fantastic time! I had my very first sleep over and we saw a beautiful sunset. Ailey also let me play in her super fun play house that had cherry curtains and a cherry chandelier! We went to a petting zoo and a winery where A & I did our share of whining. We even took a tubby together. A has a fluffy doggie named Koda that is so big and feels kinda like my woobie. My woobie doesn't bark though, so I'll stick to cuddling my woobie. Such fun!

1 comment:

Kali Jones said...

I love this shot of you 4 on the dock. This is a FRAMER!