Monday, September 7, 2009

Fair-ly Awesome Time!

It is with a sad and heavy heart that I post pictures from the last Michigan State Fair : ( We had a wonderful time despite knowing it was the last. It's hard to believe that after 160 years, it's just over. I wish we had had the opportunity to attend more! It was even more special since Yia Yia, Theo Bill, Theo George and cousin Blake came to visit and go with us. Here are a few highlights from the day...

Feeding the animals and cousin Blake milking a cow

The Budweiser Clydesdales...SO huge!

The stomach turning ride daddy agreed to go on with Blake and the "pick a duck game"

Watching little chickens hatch and trying to pet a baby pig. (we also got to see a calf take her first steps just 1/2 hour after being born!)

Enjoying our corn dogs and bucket-o-fries and last but not least...wiped out!

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