Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Woob Dog

Most of you know that Sophia is obsessed with her blanket which we call her "woobie". She received it as a gift when she was just born (thanks aunt Jo Jo!) and if it wasn't for mommy's ability to attain 2 exact replicas to trade them out, it would probably be in shreads by now.

Anyhow, as of a month ago Sophia has decided she is a dog. It's a routine we've grown quite annoyed by. I'm all for imagination but the barking and fetching act is wearing on our very last nerve. Recently she's decided that other things around her are dogs too....most recently, her woobie. She strokes it, pretends to feed it, says it has a boo boo and needs a kiss, etc...

And last week, out pops her new name for it: Woob Dog. I capitalize this because it's just too fabulous not to. It makes Taki and I laugh every time she says it.

So move over Snoop, there's a new dog in the house. Behold, Woob Dog:

1 comment:

julianne said...

I'm sitting at my desk at work laughing out loud! That is hilarious!