Monday, March 26, 2012

Little Bean Turns 2

I feel like we've been talking about Evi turning 2 for a long time now. Perhaps because she's been acting like a big girl....or perhaps because she's mastered the fine art of the tantrum : ) Regardless, the day finally came. Oh woe is me....

I must say, she was as cute as cute can be on her big day. SO excited! She seemed to know the day was all about her. She seemed so much more aware of it then Sophia ever did at that age. I finally realized why...that big sister of hers! Perhaps with your first everything is new and shiny for you (the parent) but with your second it's so much more rich because they have someone to share it with. Someone whom is their size and understands them more then you ever could. It was amazing to see!

We were also blessed to have Yia Yia and Theo Bill in town to celebrate the entire week with us. It was wonderful! Here are just a few pictures of sweet beans big day. Oh and before I forget! Stats!

Weight: 25lbs 7oz (40%)
Height: 35" (75%)
Head: 17 3/4" (15%)

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