Friday, May 11, 2012

A Bit of Dazzle & A Lot of Mom Tears

Well, it is with much reserve that I write this post. Perhaps I would have just ignored the event altogether to save some face if it weren't for the fact that one of the girls might do something equally disgraceful as parents and need a story to make them feel better : )

Sophia's yearly dance recital was last weekend. I use the word "was" lightly because we were not actually in attendance of said recital. And why you might ask? Stage fright? Sickness? Oh no, no, we missed it because some mom lost her damn mind and thought the recital was at 4:30 instead of 3:30. Yep, that's right, my dear, sweet, darling daughter missed the half hour event she had been practicing for an entire year because her mom can't manage a calendar. Oh, the guilt. And the tears...the hours of tears. I should clarify that the tears were from her mother, not her.

The best thing to come from this experience is the knowledge that Sophia is as resilient and easy going as I always knew she was. She is still talking about her recital, as if it actually happened.  The flowers and few pictures we took with a couple of her friends in their costumes after the recital were enough to make the day special for her. Oh, and luckily she managed to ignore the weeping mess of a mother in the front seat of the car. Sheesh...

Luckily I did take video during the rehersal so we at least have the routine on tape...she's the second from the end on the left in the back row : )

1 comment:

Nikki Andriani said...

Oh Jen, don't be so hard on yourself. At this age, Sophia probably doesn't get the significance of the main show versus the rehearsal anyway. Now when she's 13...that will be a different story ;-) Something like this could happen to any of us - and I'm sure has happened to most. You're one of the rare people who will admit it so we all feel better about our own mistakes. You're sweet. xo