Monday, September 24, 2012

Kick It, Pick It or just Stuff It

Sophia decided to try her hand, er, foot at soccer this year and forego dance. We decided it was too much to do both now that she's in full day Kindergarten. The first week was a great success. She was tired at the end but really got in there and had fun. The second week she was decidedly more interested in the grass and snack and topped off the game with a terrible bee sting :-( The third week, well, let's just say I think she's over it. It could just be the sheer exhaustion that goes along with this full day school schedule. Could be that she's realized that soccer involves some human contact which she has never been a fan of. Could be that she's 5 and as fickle as the weather. Regardless, she's trying it out and having some fun and really that's all that matters!

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