Friday, March 1, 2013

5 months old

I'm starting to see a pattern here...a blog for each month instead of each week. Woe is me. There are simply not enough (quiet) hours in the day to sit down and do these :-( I hope I'll get better as the muchkins grow!

Dear Eleni,

You are 5 months now. I can't believe you are already 5 months and yet I can't imagine a time without you. You are such a wonderful little person. You are the very best medicine out there. Your smiles make me smile, your laughs make me laugh and overall you are just the sweetest slice of life pie there ever was.

This last month had some ups and downs with your first sickness, RSV, and some more frequent sleepless nights (you really like that pacifier and it simply does not stay in all night long without some help from your folks). You are really grabbing for things with the intention of putting them in your mouth. Sometimes with success, others with much frustration. You are delighted and entertained by your sisters and when daddy comes home and you see his face your instant, giant smile makes me giddy with love. Your cheeks are so smoochable, as are your toes, head, belly...well, I suppose all of you. I am so excited to see how you will grow in the weeks and months to come...I love you little peanut.

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