Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Double Digits & A Giant Baby...10 months & 6!

Well, we're in the double digits with Eleni...and I'm sad. So sad that my baby is growing so fast. I feel like 1 is right around the corner haunting me and it stinks. I though it would be harder since she's my last baby but truthfully I've been pretty torn up about all of the girls birthdays. I love seeing them accomplish new things but I hate leaving behind the younger years just as much. Eleni is starting to try and craw. WHAT?!? A Karras girl that crawls? True, I tell you, true. She is now saying ma and da but I don't think it has much purpose. She has her own versions of clapping (hands clasped and moving up and down: think politician) and saying hi (both arms up at once: think touchdown!). She is taking super long naps and still sleeping like a champ at night. By far my best sleeper! She loves to eat just about anything and everything....even pickles and lemons! She is such a joy to be with!

I've been calling Sophia my giant baby. Eleni is the baby, Evi is the big baby and Soph is my Giant baby. 6 YEARS OLD!?!?!?! She is no longer a baby, toddler, preschooler or even kindergartener but a full fledged grade-schooler. She has opinions now on everything, especially clothing and looking "cool". We're still working like crazy on reading and she is getting better every day. I wouldn't say she likes it,  though I am hopeful that that will change over time. She loves to swim and play tennis and of course any and all craft/art projects. She is very helpful with her sisters and still the silly, adorable, sweet and carefree Sophia that we've always loved.

77th % for height!
33rd % for weight

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