Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Big Girl Getting Bigger

Sophia-7(!!!) years old: Interview conducted by Mommy-

Weight: 47 lbs - 33%
Height: 48.5"- 56%

Favorite Color- Blue....and purple
Song- $20 in my pocket
Movie- The smurfs (ironically this was probably my favorite at 7 too)
Book- Barbie Princess Charm School
Food- Shrimp & noodles
When I grow up I want to be a- Crafter girl


You are 7! I can hardly believe it! I know I say that every year but it truly comes as a shock each and every year how much older/bigger/more mature you are. You are such a huge helper to mommy these days. You love to do the dishes and help out with the cleaning around the house. You are always willing to help me with your sisters too. You have turned into more and more of a string bean. Skinny little legs for miles. You have decided this year that rather then traditional activities like soccer, dance or gymnastics that you want to take Horsemanship and Sculpture. I'm not surprised in the least. You love to try new things and still pick art over anything. We are so proud of how hard you are working on your reading and writing. It's been a challenge for you and I just know once you feel confident, you are going to soar! This year you will be starting a new school. I just know you will make lots of new friends and love it! Oh, and I almost forgot!!!! The school bus! Your new school has school buses so you will get to ride on the school bus for the first time. SOoooo exciting! Little pickle, mommy and daddy love you more then you will ever know. I miss being able to rock you to sleep, put you on my hip and push you in a stroller but I have to remind myself that being a good mom (and dad) means letting you go out there in the world. So, my baby girl, go out there and grow, learn, have fun and most of all COME BACK HOME and let me hold you at the end of the day! xoxo
Joint pajama party with bestie Ailey!

Birthday dinner with GG at Maggianos

Birthday morning pancake up north at Ms. Ashley's

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