Saturday, October 18, 2014

Lou Lou Turns Two Two

Ugh. Let's face it, none of Eleni's milestones are going to be welcomed with joy. She will forever be the last, thus the emotional-mommy-can't-handle-it one. Boo. BUT, she's TWO! Did I mention, she's two and Happy (sniff) BIRTHDAY (weep)! We celebrated with a big "Eleni is 2! We have a new house!" party. It was tons of fun and she just lapped up all of the attention.

Weight: 24 lbs. 5th%
Height: 31 1/2" 10%
Head: 18"

Eleni is sunshine. She just is. If I'm blue, she makes me happy. She's rarely in a funk...though if she is, steer clear. She's goofy and charming and all around sweet. She's starting to talk like crazy. Her current favorites are:
"ank ou" -Thank you
"peas" - Please
"ownie" - Yogurt
"peela" - Pepila
"mulkey" - Milk
"butty button" - belly button
"moley moley" - holy moly
"punkies!"- pumpkins
"pee-low"- pillow

She loves to wrestle and play rough. She's as flexible as a rubber band. Physically she has little fear, though she is still VERY shy around strangers and new places. She sticks to me like glue. (and I kinda love that, which is terrible). She's very animated and dramatic. If told she can't have something, like her beloved pepila, her answer is "ohhhh, boo" while making a sad face. She's a little peanut but acts like she's one of the big kids. Gosh do we loves her. To pieces and back again.



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