Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Bean Turns 5!

It's time for the yearly round-up!
Weight: 47 lbs. - 75th%
Height: 48.5" - 75th%
Evi's 5 year interview (conducted by Mommy)-
Favorite Color- Pink & Blue
Favorite Song- Anything playing on Kids Bop
Favorite Movie- Dolphin Tale
Favorite Book- Knuffle Bunny
Favorite Food - "Red Meat" a.k.a. roast beef deli meat
When I grow up I want to be a : Hairdresser
Dear Evi,
You are 5! Such a big and fun age! Soon you will be going to Kindergarten and you are so ready. You are determined and competitive and I think these attributes will serve you well in school. I have been looking forward to seeing how you will blossom in a full day setting for awhile. I think you are going to blow us away! You and Eleni have really become best buds this year as she's grown older and I think she is going to miss you terribly in the fall. You guys really are two peas in a pod and I love seeing your sisterly bond grow. She is so lucky to have you. Even though I look at you and think you are so much older then you really are, you often remind me you are still little. You still need at least one but preferably 2-3 pup pups to sleep with at night. You are pretty worn out after school and occasionally will decide you need a nap all on your own. You have gone from being fiercely independent to wanting me to help you get dressed/brush your teeth/hair, etc. It's not that you can't do it on your have been since you started asserting your independence at the young age of 2 and demanding to wear the same dress every. single. day. :-) I am so proud of you each and every day. I love you to pieces and I can't wait to see how you will grow in the next year.


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