Thursday, July 30, 2015

Sophia Turns 8

Sophia's 8 year interview (conducted by Mommy)-
Favorite Color- Blue
Favorite Song- Oh La La
Favorite Movie- Smurfs
Favorite Book- Heidi Heckelback
Favorite Food - Buttered Noodles
When I grow up I want to be a : Artist or Hair Stylist
Dear Sophia,
You are turning into such a little lady. I give it a couple years and I think we'll be eye to eye.....well, at least in one way ;-) You are a complete free spirt and quirky. I love that about you. You love life and everything that comes your way. You love to read now and we often need to tell you to go to bed at night because you won't stop. You are still timid when it comes to physical things and are always looking out for anyone around you that may be doing something that will get them hurt. You are definitely a rule follower yet not a crowd follower...a wonderful combination. You love to draw and craft and would rather do that then most anything else. You will eat most anything, or at least try it. With the exception of mushrooms or way, no how. You are becoming a great swimmer and you love, love, love the water. I hope that you keep it up!

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