Monday, September 28, 2015

The Big 3

Eleni's 3 year interview (conducted by Mommy)-
Favorite Color- Pink
Favorite Song- Let It Go
Favorite Movie- Frozen
Favorite Book- "Clap Your Hands"
Favorite Food - Yogurt ("ownie")
When I grow up I want to be a : Doctor
Weight: 26.5lbs
Height: 35"
Welp, you are still tiny. Like really tiny. Like most of the other kids your age could eat you for dinner. Speaking of don't eat that. In fact, you don't eat much of anything which might explain the whole tiny thing. I secretly love this tiny thing since you are my baby. It helps me justify carrying you around when I never would have put up with that with your sisters (mainly because there was always another baby to carry around when they were your age). You are very much a mama's girls. FINALLY!!! Sometimes it can be tough on mommy because you want me to hold you/ be near you all day every day but I also love it. You are the greatest snuggler EVER. You have hysterical facial expressions. You would wear a leotard every day if you could. You love all things "Banastics" (Gymnastics). You are always rolling around on the floor doing your version of gymnastics. You still sleep with "beatie"...sometimes 5 of them. You are very independent and want to do everything on your own. No more pepila OR diapers! Weeee! In public, you are very timid and hide behind me. Trying new things is challenging. It took several weeks to get you to go into dance class without a struggle. At home however, you are the boss lady and make sure everyone knows it. You tell hysterical nonsensical stories that make us all laugh. But, mainly, you light up our world and complete our family. We love you SOOOOOOOO much!

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