Tuesday, July 15, 2008

O N E !

Aren't you happy it's finally here so we can move on to a new topic : )

Mommy took me to the pediatrician for my 1 year check up and here are my current stats:
-Weight: 19 lbs 1 oz (25%)
-Height: 29" (50%)
-Head Circumference: 17" (10%)
-Temperament at doctor's office: Awful" and Screaming oz. (this kid does not like the place, shots or no shots, doesn't matter)

I am pretty oblivious to turning one but my parents seem to be pretty emotional about it. They keep going on and on and on about how the time has gone by so fast...blah, blah, blah. But I guess it's true. So much has happened in such a short time. On this day last year mom was drinking a tall glass of grape juice (that she would later regret), working on putting the blog together (okay some things don't change) and planning to go on a walk. 3 hrs and 15 very short minutes after that fateful walk, I arrived. And to think they thought I was a boy all along. HA!!

Some photos to remind us how far I've come...

Yikes!Mommy 5 days before I arrived

Not long after I was born.

1 day old


monica said...

Happy bday! I got to hold you when you were 1 day old and super tiny!

Shafer Family said...

So now that we've passed the big 1 year mark... doesn't Sophia want a little brother or sister??