Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Tonight I crossed the line. That very fine line between finding humor in parenting and being cruel. I'll set the scene for you...

I got Sophia ready for bed-jammies, woobie, brushed the teeth, etc. and then realized I had forgotten the bottle she takes before bed. I left her to play in her room while I ran down to get the bottle. When I ran back up the stairs and turned the corner I was surprised to see a laundry basket walking towards me. Somehow Soph had turned her pop up laundry holder upside down over her head and was trapped inside. She was walking around aimlessly with clothes drapped all around her. As she walked toward the gate and saw me hysterically laughing she started to whimper. So I did as any self-respecting mother would do and ran for the camera.
Shame on me.


monica said...

That is GREAT! Thanks for letting her suffer for a few seconds so we could see!

Trisha said...

Like that is the first time you've crossed the line...remember the chicken costume?