Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Dorian & Trick or Treat, Smell my Feet

This weekend we drove down to Dayton to celebrate my cousin Dorian's birthday and Halloween with the family. Mommy and Daddy also dressed up like UPS delivery people and delivered a big box filled with balloons announcing what gender my sibling will be! Lots of pictures below

Rules of Trick or Treating according to Miss Sophia (and here we thought she would be too afraid to go along with it):

1.) You must try to gain entry in to each house handing out candy.

2.) If there is an animal at said house, you must refuse all candy and demand to play with dog/cat for the duration of trick or treating, or until parents drag you away kicking and screaming.

3.) If candy is handed to you, you must push past the hand that gives and dig right in to the bowl to pick for yourself.

4.) This is must walk backwards to each house. (no joke-see picture #5)

5.) You must roll around in the grass of each house and pose like cleopatra and/or Rose from the Titanic.

Sophia, you could not be any more silly if you tried. You light up our world, baby girl!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Congratulations! Another beautiful baby girl - how wonderful!