Friday, January 24, 2014

15 Months

Our little Len Lens is 15 months! And though she is a peanut she has a lot of personality. Here are a few things I wanted to remember about this time in our littlest one's life...

1.) She loves to say Uh Oh and thinks she's cute when she does....which she is.
2.) She knows what she wants and she wants any and everything she shouldn't have (mostly of the food variety).
3.) She has a piercing shriek that she has perfected that could break glass.
4.) She uses said shriek when she sees a dog or anything resembling a dog. Just don't make her touch them. She LOVES them...far away.
5.) She says lots of words but most of them sound like dog dog.
6.) She is a cuddle bug. Any given time of the day she will give you kisses, hugs and cuddles. It's magical.
7.) She also shrieks for balls. Even ones that are concreted to the those gigantic red ones in front of most Targets. It's only minorly embarrassing.
8.) She is obsessed. No really obsessed with her blankie and pepila. She carries them around everywhere and if she can't find one she will climb up the stairs to get them from her bed all on her own.
9.) She's FINALLY walking and almost running now.
10.) She has 12 teeth and appears to be working on a couple more.
11.) She sleeps awesome!
12.) She eats awesome! Tabbouli anyone?
13.) She's a tiny 8th % for height. Clearly she takes after mommy.
14.) Her stranger anxiety is getting a bit better but she still prefers people she knows well.
15.) I often think her name should have been Joy because she embodies the word. She brings such Joy to our life every single day.

Weight: 20 lbs. 5 oz
Height: 29"
Head: 18"

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