Friday, March 7, 2008

I Want A Diploma And It Better Be Framed

Taki & I have officially graduated from parenting 101, or at least parenting sick 101. It's a tough course so I advise all to avoid taking it if at all possible. This week has been interesting to say the least. Learned a bunch of new parent stuff. That's my silver lining. That's all I've got.

11:00 a.m.-Sophia up-chucks all over herself and nanny Becca. Mom thinks "gross" and moves on with her day.

12:00 p.m. -Sophia spews all over herself, nanny Becca, and MY PRECIOUS NEW GLIDER while mom is at dentist. Becca calls, Mom's all "hmm, maybe somethings up"

Sophia spends remainder of day wanting nothing other than to be held while she stares into space. Mom thinks "yeah, something is definitely not right. she's sick".

8:30 p.m.-Sophia gets to sleep in Mom & Dad's bed because they are worried about her and want to keep a watch on her and she wakes up vomitting all over herself, mom, dad, sheets, everything in 4 foot range. When cleaning her up we find she still hasn't wet a diaper yet and it's been 7 hours. Dad doesn't give mom time to think this time. He says "time to go to the e.r."

3:00 a.m. Return home from E.R. since Soph is able to keep down 3 syringes of pedialyte. Armed with a new bottle of that evil stuff from CVS. (ever lonely at night and can't sleep? Just visit your local 24 hr CVS and I can assure you the store manager will be happy to tell you his life story.)

And the rest is history...thank God.

I could go on for days since this whole traumatic experience has gone on for days but I'll spare you. Basically we all got the stomach flu. I can't explain how difficult it is to take care of a child who is sick when you are sick and need to be taken care of yourself. It was awful. No way around it. Just awful. We're finally all on the mend and Sophia started back on formula today. So far she has kept everything down and is thrilled she doesn't have to fight us coming at her with a syringe of that nasty pedialyte stuff. I never thought I would be so happy to change a wet diaper!

I now own every anti-bacterial product on the market. And we have yet to track down the culprit who infected us. Jerk.

1 comment:

Kali Jones said...

I am so glad you are all on mend. I hate it when our babes are sick. Lula told me to tell you that if she were in town she would give Sophia a big hug.