Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Putting Up With Mommy's Antics...(click photos to enlarge)

It's a leaf.
You wanna see mama?

Daveeeeey, Daaavey Crockett...
What's that you say? Teeth coming in?

Are we almost done yet?
Ok, I'll clap for your picture but then we're done ok?
Yeah, I'm cute. I know.
What? We're done? I was just starting to have fun!

I Love Bubbles and Bubbles Love Me

Yia Yia and Theo Bill came to visit for the holiday weekend. We had so much fun. Yia Yia sang me lots of songs in Greek and gave me tons of kisses. We went on walks, played outside, checked out some garage sales, visited the library, went to church, took a trip down to Greek Town, and ate all kinds of yummy food including a super fun dinner with my God Sister Ailey! She's so smart and knows how to do lots of things. I learned so much from her. We had so much fun playing and watching our parents battle for the best bubble blowing title. I won't say who I think was the best but I can confirm with great assurance that it was not my mom. She tries, God love her, but the poor thing can only manage to blow soapy liquid at me rather then actual bubbles. I try not to discourage her but someone please give the lady a lesson or two. I can only keep up this amused face for so long without a little bubble action.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Only A Face A Mother Could Love

Thank goodness for Auntie Trish (she's recently attained this status for bringing me peach and sweet potato puffs) and her supply of yummy Avocados or I think I might starve. I can't get enough of the slimey green stuff. MMMMmmmmm! Thanks Trish!

I Thought There Were Animals At The Zoo....

Mommy took me to the zoo last Friday but since she only took a couple hours of vacation time from work we took the express route. I think I might have seen a peacock and a giraffe (although I was more interested in the old lady in the fluorescent red windbreaker standing next to us) but otherwise it looked kinda like some grass and dirt and stuff. I did get to see my friends Ailey, Luci, Addison, Tallulah and Liliana and Luke and his mommy came along too! I can't wait to go back soon so we can look for those animal things that are supposed to be there.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hang Ten

Today is my 10 month birthday! I don't have any stats to report since we've managed to avoid the evil yellow haired lady that sticks me with needles.

This month I've discovered the following things:

-I can clap! But I can't do it without my mouth gaping open and yelling at the same time. They go hand in hand. That's all there is to it.
-I like big people food WAY more then little people food. My favorites are bread, bananas, bread, peas, bread, cucumbers, bread, ham, bread and bread. Noodles are ok too but they manage to shoot out of my mouth when I least expect it which is rather annoying.
-Wagon's are so much better then the stroller. I love to go on wagon rides.
-It's fun to feed my doggie my food.
-I am no longer okay with putting jammies on before bed. Hate it. I try to scale the wall to get away from whichever evil parent is trying to get me into them.
-I prefer to sleep sideways in my crib with my feet through the slats. Rather freeing.
-I am no longer in my baby tub but have graduated to the vast expanse of the big tub. (requiring mommy to actually clean said tub way more)
-My hair grow-ith long and is scarily starting to take the shape of a femullet.
-My feet are still like uncooked dinner rolls. Solid, thick, and as long as they are wide and tall.
-Hats are to be played with, not worn.
-Shoes are to be played with. not worn.
-The plastic lid on my baby food is my most favorite toy in the world. It's magic because you can see stuff through it.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

So far I'm having a terrific Mother's Day and wanted to extend my wishes to all the amazing moms out there for a very happy Mother's Day! Sure, Soph got me some amazing gifts but this was really all I needed...

20/20 Baby!

So I did it. I can't believe I didn't chicken out at the last minute as I was sure I would. On Friday I got Lasik. So far so good. My vision was 20/20 by the next morning post-op exam and I'll be going in tomorrow for a follow up and the doctor said he expects my vision to be 20/15 by then. I would say that's an improvement from the 20/700 I had prior! Taki has been amazing taking care of me and mom has been wonderful helping out with Sophia. Thank you to everyone who sent their well wishes. And for those of you that didn't...well chances are I didn't tell you I was having it done since I was so convinced I would back out!!!!

Sorry no pictures to post of my horror film eye shields. And as a side note, Taki bought me a pair of clear safety glasses that are somewhat cool to wear for awhile in the house so Soph doesn't poke my eye out. I think I'm in love. With the glasses that is, since I was already in love with my lovely handsome husband.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

She Wore an Itsy-Bitsy....

A contender for next years Sports (or maybe Squirts) Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. Watch out ladies, you've got some competition.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Please join me in welcoming the newest member of our zoo-like backyard that greeted me as I walked out the door yesterday. Yeah, I freaked. Screamed like a little girl. The story went something like this...

I was rushing out the door to pick up perscriptions at lunch time. Swing the door open run over to the gate...yes...the very gate that is mere feet away from this nasty thing. See it, run back in screeching for Becca to come see.

She runs over and joins me in disgust. Then all the sudden the stomach starts pulsating and we are convinced that the thing is going to give birth right there in front of us. Out pops two babies and it occurs to us that they were just in her pouch. ICK.

Gabe runs out. We are yelling at him to come back as I am sure he will go after this thing and it will tear him to shreads.

Me: Gabe!! Come!! Treat! Gabbers....GABE COME NOW! Come boy, come, please...etc.
Becca: Do you think if I hit you he'll come to your rescue and we can get him back inside.
Me: NO

Finally Gabe comes in and I decide to make a run for it to get to the car through the yard. The thing slinks away as I back out of the driveway.

Seems she's taken up residence under our deck. Lovely.

And if you dare to tell me she's cute we will no longer be friends.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Me And The Girls

Mom took the afternoon off on Friday so I could have all of my friends (Natalie, Ashlyn, Luci, Liliana & Reyna) over for a playdate. I ended up napping through most of it but that's what happens when you are so excited about your friends coming over that you can't fall asleep for your morning nap....or at least that's what they tell me. And we even played "hair dresser" and put a bow in Lilliana's hair!