Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hang Ten

Today is my 10 month birthday! I don't have any stats to report since we've managed to avoid the evil yellow haired lady that sticks me with needles.

This month I've discovered the following things:

-I can clap! But I can't do it without my mouth gaping open and yelling at the same time. They go hand in hand. That's all there is to it.
-I like big people food WAY more then little people food. My favorites are bread, bananas, bread, peas, bread, cucumbers, bread, ham, bread and bread. Noodles are ok too but they manage to shoot out of my mouth when I least expect it which is rather annoying.
-Wagon's are so much better then the stroller. I love to go on wagon rides.
-It's fun to feed my doggie my food.
-I am no longer okay with putting jammies on before bed. Hate it. I try to scale the wall to get away from whichever evil parent is trying to get me into them.
-I prefer to sleep sideways in my crib with my feet through the slats. Rather freeing.
-I am no longer in my baby tub but have graduated to the vast expanse of the big tub. (requiring mommy to actually clean said tub way more)
-My hair grow-ith long and is scarily starting to take the shape of a femullet.
-My feet are still like uncooked dinner rolls. Solid, thick, and as long as they are wide and tall.
-Hats are to be played with, not worn.
-Shoes are to be played with. not worn.
-The plastic lid on my baby food is my most favorite toy in the world. It's magic because you can see stuff through it.

1 comment:

Trisha said...

Very funny that Luke is ruining the otherwise cute audio of your video...