Sunday, May 11, 2008

20/20 Baby!

So I did it. I can't believe I didn't chicken out at the last minute as I was sure I would. On Friday I got Lasik. So far so good. My vision was 20/20 by the next morning post-op exam and I'll be going in tomorrow for a follow up and the doctor said he expects my vision to be 20/15 by then. I would say that's an improvement from the 20/700 I had prior! Taki has been amazing taking care of me and mom has been wonderful helping out with Sophia. Thank you to everyone who sent their well wishes. And for those of you that didn't...well chances are I didn't tell you I was having it done since I was so convinced I would back out!!!!

Sorry no pictures to post of my horror film eye shields. And as a side note, Taki bought me a pair of clear safety glasses that are somewhat cool to wear for awhile in the house so Soph doesn't poke my eye out. I think I'm in love. With the glasses that is, since I was already in love with my lovely handsome husband.


monica said...

Congrats on the new eyes! I'm so glad you didn't chicken out!

Anonymous said...

Wow - great news! Glad it went so well. I'll have to tell my Mom as she really wants to have it done.