Sunday, July 26, 2009

2 Year Stats, etc.

The numbers are in:

Weight: 25 lbs - 25%
Height: 35" - 75%
Head: mom can't remember but still small - 10%

Some new things I'm saying these days are:

"I love you daddy" and "I miss you daddy" - I say these all of the time but almost always when daddy leaves for work and when he comes home.

"I'm working" - I say this when I'm doing something mommy and daddy generally don't want me to do. (We were shopping last week and she found a piece of styrofoam which she proceeded to pull into a million pieces and spray about the area. When I asked her what she was doing she said, "I working mommy" with a don't-bother-me look on her face.)

"Boobies" - All the sudden I decided my boo boos should be called boobies. Don't know why but it's funny. And I make mommy and daddy kiss them and "wash" them off multiple times a day...weeks after they have disapeared. I do not however, like bandaids like most kids because, well, because my little legs are hairy and those boogers hurt to pull off!

"Stinky Butt" - I say this every time mommy changes my diaper whether it is stinky or not.

"Try it" - Saying this isn't as fun as the action that goes along with it. I like to sneak my fork or spoon under the table and tell Gabe to "try it". If I have to try it, he should have to too.

"Daddy fix it" - In response to anything that isn't working or appears to be broken. Usually said after mommy says she can't fix it and that it really is broken. I don't trust her. Daddy has magic she doesn't know about.

Couple other things I do now:

Insist upon putting on makeup with mommy in the morning. We'll thank GG for that one. Don't worry, mommy gives me the ends of all of the brushes but I still think I'm hot stuff.

I like to greet my toes in the morning. "Hi toes". (???)

I know what many of my books are about now and I'll tell you in a few words the general story.

I can count to ten but often leave out 5. Pesky thing, that 5.

I'm working hard on the ABC's and can get a lot of the letters even though I still call them the ABDs.

I do not like rain. Well, actually, I don't mind watching it I just don't like it touching me. Ick.

Up next:

Mastering those darnded ABDs.

Eating vegetables (mommy! get off the keyboard!)

Dressing myself

Potty training (EEK)

But most important, having fun and being a kid!

1 comment:

Nikki Andriani said...

I love it! Sophia, you are just adorable. I hope you don't get any more "boobies", or at least till you've hit puberty!