Sunday, July 5, 2009

Cake, Zoo, Cake, Fishing, Cake, Fireworks and Some Cake

Whoa! Where to begin. We have just returned home from a week away visiting family in Ohio along with a short stint in Indiana. I'm pooped. So much to report!

First we stopped by to visit our good friends Adam and Kristen in Wapakoneta and their new little baby girl Roslin. Isn't she cute!?!?!

Then G & GG threw me a birthday party including, get this, cake.

As if that weren't enough, we went to the Cincinnati Zoo! Mommy talks about it all the time so I had to see what all the fuss was about. She's totally right. It's incredible!

Afterwards we ventured on to the Knueven Family reunion where I got to meet my cousin Lilly's new puppy followed by my first big screen movie in Grandpa's "man room"...

And that was just the first two days! Then we drove to Brown County, Indiana where we stayed in G & GG's newest vacation cabin. It was BEAUTIFUL! Mommy caught her first fish in years in the 3 acre lake on the propery (before any of the men did) and I continued to eat cake. If ever you want a wonderful getaway please consider visiting one of my G & GGs cabins! Here is a link to their site if you want to check it out!

On Wednesday we drove to Dayton and spent the remainder of the week at Yia Yia's house. We went to Young's Dairy Farm for homeade ice cream and petting zoo. I had so much fun with my cousins Dorian, Demitra & Blake.

On the 4th of July we had a cookout and massive loud fireworks which I call "popcorn". I was not fond. At all. Not even a little bit. They are scary and loud. I thought Theo George was the one setting them off so all night and the next morning I kept saying "popcorn. george did it" over and over again. Cousin Demi dressed up like a ballerina and did lots of twirls for me. Oh, and did I mention that Yia Yia got me a cake and everyone sang happy birthday to me again? Mommy says no sweets for a very long time (or at least until my real birthday).

Overall...a WONDERFUL trip!!!

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