Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Countdown Begins

Mommy and I made a paper chain to count down the last days before my baby sister arrives. Mom seems to think I don't have a concept of time, thus needed a visual representation. Obviously she is the one that needs a paper chain because when I say now, I mean NOW and she doesn't seem to understand this simple concept. I'm confident she'll get it if I just use repetition and maintain consistency. At least thats what all of those parenting books say.


Jackie Barnes said...

What a cute idea! Sophia is going to be the best big sister! Can't wait for you to add another beautiful person to your family.

julianne said...

Oh my gosh, 11 more days!!?!! That will be here before we know it! Shoot, that IS here! I'm so happy for you all...and I love that you and Sophia have a countdown! Tooo cute! I'm with Jackie...I can't wait for the new beautiful addition to your family. So much to celebrate!