Sunday, July 8, 2012


We have had a crazy hot summer so far and the girls have been enjoying lots of time outside....

Kool Aid For Sale!!! The girls, Luke and Wyatt made quite a bit of money selling kool aid, cookies & muffins one steamy evening.  You could hear their sales pitch blocks away : )

Night at the Karras "bike-in" or "walk-in" : )  Daddy rentend the Muppet movie, we popped some popcorn and all enjoyed a movie under the stars.

Sunbathing after a dip in the pool.

The real drive in to see The Lorax

Sophia's first (and possibly last as you might guess from her belly flop form) diving board jump. You will have to look close since I couldn't get there fast enough to get a better picture.

Two fisted cup-cake eating in the buff : ) GG has been in town a lot this summer (which is a big treat!) so there's been lots of baking going on!

4th of July celebration with the Donaldson/Desnoyer/Dimmer/Day's! So much fun!

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