Friday, July 27, 2012

Pokey Pokey

Well, HELL. I've allowed my child to be marred for life. I swear to you that this didn't occur to me until after the fact.

I always thought 5 was a good age to get your ears pierced. My thinking: If you're old enough to sign up for the pain, then you're old enough to have them. I honestly didn't think she would go through with it. She has always loved looking through all the sparkly earrings in stores so we would talk about getting them pierced and what that meant. She always seemed leery about the whole idea so imagine my surprise when she jumped right up in the chair, held her breath, squeezed my hand and voila!

Kinda makes me want to puke. Then again, they are pretty sparkly and cute and I'm SO proud of her for being so incredibly brave!

Before: Confident

During: Brave 

After: Proud! 

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