So today my mom and I went out for lunch with Sophia. We both ordered cheeseburgers and of course as soon as we took our first bite my darling daughter began to cry...loud. So I picked her up and began rocking her back and forth to quiet her. For those of you that don't know or haven't been around during one of her breakdowns, Sophia loves to be bounced, rocked and "figure 8'd" (combination of the two in a figure 8 motion. don't ask me why) when she's upset and without fail it calms her down.
So anyhow, once mom finished her burger I handed the baby off to her so I could eat mine. We're sitting there chatting and all the sudden I realize I'm rocking my cheesburger! Literally rocking the thing back and forth and spraying burger juices and fixings everywhere. I've officially reached a new level of nuts. Allthough, truth be told. I don't mind. Makes live pretty darn entertaining.
Here's a new picture of Sophia in her "out on the town" gear...