Friday, August 3, 2007

It's the Great Poop Charlie Brown

I can assure you little Miss Sophia will not be thrilled that we told the world about this but.... we all need at least one truly embarrassing story from childhood.

As some of you know, Sophia has had some digestive problems and the most recent development involves a bought of constipation. For those of you who have not had to deal with infant constipation, the poos are basically little hard rocks. About the size of a bouncy ball.

Thursday night I woke up (read: Soph woke me up) to change and feed her and discovered a bouncy ball. I didn't expect her to have one in the middle of the night and so I quickly pulled the diaper out from under her. Apparently when I did this the little ball rolled out into her pj's. I realized when I went to put the new diaper on that it had escaped. I quickly took her outfit off and scrunched it up so the poo ball wouldn't fall out. After I put her new clothes and diaper on I went to remove said poo ball from her old outfit so I could throw it away and wouldn't you know it was missing. GONE. No where to be found. I searched high and low. At this point I was somewhere caught between mortification and amusement at how absurd this was. I had to wake Taki up to assist me in the search and rescue operation. I was paranoid that it was stuck to the back of her head or somewhere in her new clothes. After much laughing we finally found the little rascal behind the changing table. I still can't figure out how it escaped. I really thought I had been pretty careful but obviously not careful enough. So there you have it. The case of the missing poo has been solved.

Needless to say there will not be a picture to go along with this post. I think I've embarrassed the kid enough.

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